
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What a deal!

So I got the Sunday paper about 3 weeks ago and there was a coupon for 8.00 off 2 Covergirl face products, being the couponer I am I get 4 papers so cut all 4 coupons out and put them in my box. The coupons expired 10-31 and I haven't seen any stellar deals so I thought the coupons were going to go to waste.  On Saturday afternoon I went to walmart with my sister in law and saw the mother of all deals.  I saw a combo pack of powder and foundation for 5.29!!!  I of course didn't have my coupons with me (shame on me).  I ran home (well drove) and got my coupons and went back to the store.  I picked up 4 packs and headed to the register, the cashier rang them up and used only 3 of my coupons and I paid .16 cents and still had a coupon.  I took my coupon, went and picked up a 5th package, a bottle of soda and 2 packs of gum (as my walmart will not pay you for overages) and paid .13!  So I bought 10 pieces of makeup, a 20oz bottle of mt dew and 2 packs of gum for a grand total of.... .29 cents.  The picture only has 4 of the makeups because I had already taken one to my sister in law, as if it wouldn't have been for her I would have never seen the rock star deal!! :D  Couponing is possible at Walmart you just have to be on the look out for the deal!! I would love to hear about your coupon tips!

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